EBERS has been awarded with the regional "Emprendedor XXI" award for young companies.
This prize is awarded by La Caixa aiming to promote the foundation of new innovative companies. EBERS participated in the "Emprendes" category, for companies younger than two years and the award includes a course for entrepreneurs in the University of Cambrigde.
Bancaja has awarded EBERS with the "Young Entrepreneurs Award 2010" in the category of Technological Base Companies.
This has been the XVI edition of this prize, which was created by Bancaja aiming to contribute to the socio-economical development of the society by favouring entrepreneur initiatives and encouraging innovation and diversification among young entrepreneurs.
Last December 4th, Pedro Moreo and Víctor Alastrué received the Ibero-American Award to Enterpreneurship and Innovation in the XX Ibero-American Presidents Summit, which took place last week in Mar del Plata (Argentina).
This award, which recognizes the most innovative business projects of the region, was promoted by the SEGIB.
The Spanish Magazine Actualidad Económica has recently awarded the EBERS project as one of the most innovative 100 business ideas in 2009.
This yearly prize aims to remark the appearing of innovative ideas in a wide variety of product and service areas by awarding those original ideas trying to improve people's socio-economical conditions. The awarding ceremony took place in the Ritz Hotel in Madrid last May 31st with participation of the 100 awarded companies.