Las October 2022, EBERS CTO Víctor Alastrué attended to the VII INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DCD DONORS which took place la La Coruña (Spain), where the ARK kidney perfusion system was shown and live kidney and liver normothermic perfusions were carried out.
EBERS was represented by its CEO, Pedro Moreo, in the Industry Day organized by the European Innovation Council (EIC) in collaboration with Fresenius Kabi and Medtronic. The meeting gathered more than 20 innovative European companies, which had the opportunity to present their technology and interact with representatives of the two multinationals. The event took place in November 2022 in Fresenius headquarters located in Bad Homburg, Germany.
EBERS has won a €2.4 million tender titled Pre-Commercial Procurement for the Development of Innovative Solutions in the Field of Organ Preservation, opened by the Spanish Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI). The works will be executed in collaboration with Moses Products, a company specialized in plastic transformation, and Intraven, an SME specialized in the assembly, packaging and sterilization of medical devices.
We summarize below the most relevant aspects of the contract: