TC-3F Specifications


The table below shows the main technical specifications of the EBERS TC-3 Mechanical Stimulation Bioreactor.

TC-3F Bioreactor technical sheet

TC-3F Mechanical Stimulation Bioreactor
Actuation system
Dimensions [W x D x H]
  • Vertical configuration: 285 x 478 x 110 mm
  • Horizontal configuration: 290 x 300 x 492 to 512 mm
Number of chambers Up to 3
Minimal displacement increment 0.005 mm
Maximal force 400 N
Control PC-based control software
Power supply and consumption 110-220 V, 50-60 Hz, IEC 14 power cord
Maximal deformation rate 10 mm/s
Tension and Compression Chambers
Autoclavable Yes
External dimensions [W x D x H] 78 x 137 x 51 mm
Internal dimensions [W x D x H]  38 x 65 x 32 mm
Maximal internal volume [*]   ~ 90 ml
  • Rod-like grips
Autoclavable Yes
Useful width 30 mm
Maximal displacement 22.5 mm
Minimal displacement 0.5 mm
  • Compression grips
Autoclavable Yes
Useful diameter [mm] 22 mm
Maximal displacement [mm] 22.5 mm
Minimal displacement 0.5 mm
Load cells
LC50 Nominal force: 50 N
LC100 Nominal force: 100 N
LC200 Nominal force: 200 N

Please contact us for further information if you want to know more about the TC-3F.

