Custom development service

Tissue engineering research is an extremely dynamic research field in which the researchers demands are continuously changing. Furthermore, the type of tissue to be reproduced, the type of scaffold and the particular features the researcher wants to apply on the sample has usually a strong influence on the culture chambers and the expermental set-up to be used.

Actually, even when comparing the experimental needs of groups working on the engineering of the same tissue, the different approaches or materials make very difficult to find two of them having the same needs in terms of chamber type, flow rate or deformation level to be applied to their samples.

In order to overcome the difficulties posed by the highly diversified research which is being currently developed the tissue engineering field, EBERS offers a customized design service which aims to develop the specific components which cover the particular needs of each particular experimental set-up, from the design and manufacturing of new culture chambers and devices to the assembly of new culture circuits.

We kindly encourage to contact us to solve any question in case the EBERS products do not exactly fit your requirements. Our technical staff will kindly meet you queries.


disk and scaffolddisk varietyvascular long chamberstretch bioreactorpumpheadscustom set-up3d multiple set-upscaffold

Bioreactors and culture chambers

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