Hydrostatic pressure chamber

Designed to apply hydrostatic pressure conditions on the samples while compatible with the TC-3 system.

It incorporates a flexible membrane that, when pressed by the TC-3 actuation system, allows increasing the hydrostatic pressure inside. Varying pressure values and complex pressure profiles can be obtained just by defining an adequate displacement profile.

All the components of the chambers to be in contact with culture media are autoclavable or disposable.


Technical Specifications

TC-3  hydrostatic pressure chamber
TC-3 culture chamber with glass window bottom designed to apply flow while the sample is tensioned or compressed
Autoclavable Yes
Internal Dimensions [W x D x H] 40 x 45 x 46 [mm]
Internal volume 80 [ml]
Maximal pressure 4 [bar]

Compatible accessories

  • Adjustable anchoring system +

    The TC-3 bioreactor allows running up to three culture chambers in parallel with under the same deformation conditions. However, since Read More
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